Touchstone Center Publications
Touchstone Center Publications is a direct outgrowth of The Touchstone Center’s activities and workshops in schools, museums, libraries and environmental centers. The Center’s aim, in publishing and distributing to a diverse audience of all ages, is to preserve children’s original writings and art; to document, comment and reflect upon the poetic and imaginative process in learning; and to create and reprint books of poetry and myth from a wide spectrum of cultures.
The Center’s recent books, and accompanying video productions, have brought to a broader audience the writings and ideas that have been used as primary sources in the Center’s work with both children and adults in a wide range of settings. These include: A Tree Lives, The Bird of Imagining, I Catch My Moment, Each Sky Has Its Words, Cave, Sea Tale, From the Sleep of Waters, We Are Rivers, Living By Wonder, and Taking Flight, Standing Still.
View Our Catalog of Recent Publications (PDF)
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