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The Touchstone Center Archival Outreach Project

The intent of The Touchstone Center Archival Outreach Project is to share – with individuals, organizations and schools – the archives of the Center since its founding in 1969. Through the Center’s on-going digitization of its extensive collection of documentary films, videos, recordings, photographs, children’s art-work and writings, it is hoped that the underlying philosophic and practical underpinnings of the Center’s work can be conveyed in a variety of public workshops, performances, exhibitions for both adults and children. In addition the Center will continue to use its Facebook page and monthly email to reach an on-line audience of interested teachers, parents and practitioners.


Archival Digital Indexes

Since 2013, the Center’s Archival Director, Jaclyn Majewski, has been cataloguing and organizing the Center’s approximately 9000 photographs, 250 audio and video materials, and 250 booklets of original children’s writings – by themes and various arts and education projects the Center undertook in schools, museums and environmental organizations. While the indexes are still a work in progress it is being posted on the Center’s website for those interested in using the Center’s materials for further study and research.


Indexes of Digitized Materials

Digitized Photo Index

Audio Catalog 

Video and Film Catalog 

Digitized Booklets of Children’s Writing Index